Our Philosophy
At Palmerston Community Daycare, our aim is to enhance the growth of a child as an individual within a co-operative, child-centered environment. We foster the social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth of the child.
We promote individual freedom within a structured framework. This provides children with the opportunity to make choices, to respect themselves and the rights of others and to understand that their input into decision-making is valued and respected.
We maintain a warm, relaxed, caring atmosphere in which children feel secure, happy and loved. We always strive to take our families’ diverse needs into consideration. Our program stimulates and intrigues children, encouraging their natural curiosity and desire for learning.
A sense of community is built through outings, social functions and exposure to various ethnic groups, cultures and religions. Our activities involve the children in a wealth of experiences, including exposure to the arts and sciences. We act both as participants and as members of an appreciative audience. We take pride in the fact that our outings and special events are numerous, versatile, highly pleasurable and in tune with up-to-date events taking place in the city.
In all facets of a child’s development, we believe prevention to be of utmost importance, whether it concerns safety, nutrition, or emotional or physical well-being.
We promote anti-biased behaviour in all aspects of our program. Boys and girls are encouraged to participate in all activities equally and in a non-violent manner. We focus on constructive problem-solving, both in interactions between children and between children and adults.
Our program encourages respect, regardless of gender, race, creed, colour, religion, class, age, sexual orientation, marital status, physical disabilities, ethnic origin, ancestry or citizenship.
The all-encompassing goal is for the children to achieve a strong sense of accomplishment, independence and self-esteem.
The staff’s high degree of professionalism in conjunction with the valued contribution of parents/guardians makes Palmerston Community Day Care an enriched child-centered environment. The day care’s affiliation with Palmerston Public School is vital and full co-operation between staff and students of the school is encouraged for the benefit of the children.